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A Bit About Me 

Hey there - welcome to my site! 

My name is John B. Fletcher. I was born and raised in Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada, where I live with my wife, five children, a dog, two mini donkeys and six goats! 

For as long as I can remember, I have had an innate passion for helping people. This passion led me to become an educator and mental health therapist, where I have spent the last 15 years working. 

​I have a Bachelor's in Psychology and Education and a Master's in Counselling Psychology. I am trained as a Humanistic Psychotherapist; however, I use a variety of skills and modalities to help my clients reach their goals. Recently, I have received specialized animal-assisted psychotherapy (AAP) training and offer these services on my farm. I am also deeply interested in the impact nature has on one's mental health and wellbeing, and I incorporate a variety of nature-assisted psychotherapy (NAT) skills in my practice as well. 


Outside of therapy, I have nearly a decade of experience facilitating workshops and training sessions on various topics within the mental health field. I am keenly interested in public speaking and have been a keynote speaker at large conferences.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my growing family on our small farm. We love hiking around our property with our goats, gardening, canoeing, camping, and fishing. And I can't forget our monthly Friday Night Movie Nights—they are the best! 

 If you have any questions about me or the services I offer, don't hesitate to email me directly at

Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy
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